Tuesday 23 January 2018



The Mopidevi temple is situated at a distance of nearly 70 km's from Vijayawada in Andhra Pradesh. It is well connected by buses and trains from many parts of the country.
Four Deva Rishis viz., Sankara, Sanakasa, Sanatkumara, and Sanatsujata are known for their un-wavering devotion and saintly knowledge. They are immoral and always appear at the age of five years to others. They remained so detached from the awareness of worldly matters that they remain naked without covering their bodies. Once, they came to Kailas, the abode of Lord Shiva to worship Him. At the same time, Sachi Devi, Swaha Devi, Goddess Saraswathi and Goddess Lakshmi also arrived. Lord Subrahmanyeswara was sitting in the lap of his mother Goddess Parvathi by that time. Lord Subrahmanyeswara as a child was bewildered at the two contrasts of fully clad Gods and Goddesses on one hand and the nude Deva rishis on the other. He giggled innocently in a childish way. Goddess Parvathi chided Lord Subrahmanyeswara for his folly. Later, Lord Subrahmanyeswara realised his lapse and took permission to do penance to get rid of the blemish. Lord Subrahmanyeswara did the penance in disguise, in the form of a snake for many years and successfully cleansed Himself of his folly. The place where Lord Subrahmanyeswara did penance later came to be known as ‘Mopidevi’.
Pujas for Rahu and Ketu are performed regularly at Mopidevi Temple. Devotees get tonsured as part of fulfilment of their vow. Some get their children's ears bored to get relief from Sarpa Dosha. Women who want children make a cradle with a new Saree and hang it on the sacred tree here. People who want to get married soon offer Pongal made of rice and jaggery. People suffering from poor sight, ear ailments, skin diseases, lack of progeny due to previous births' and misdeeds etc., get relief by worshiping Lord Subrahmanyeswara in Mopidevi. In particular, natives who are suffering from Sarpa dosha, Rahu-Ketu dosha and Anapathya Dosha worship of Mopidevi Sri Subrahmanyeswara Swamy will be highly beneficial.                                                                                                 CLICK HERE TO KNOW ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER                                                                                                                   CLICK HERE FOR ROUTE MAP                                                                                                                                                                 CLICK HERE FOR CAB BOOKING

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